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Koala salvato dalle fiamme. Il dramma dell'animaletto

Giada Oricchio
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Un koala rischia di morire bruciato dalle fiamme, ma una donna coraggiosa si getta nel fuoco e lo salva da una morte terribile. Il video fa il giro del mondo e la signora diventa la nuova eroina dei social. In questi giorni, una serie di incendi ha devastato diverse zone dell'Australia, in particolare quella del New South Wales, e avrebbero ucciso circa 350 koala. Nel video dei vigili del fuoco si vede un koala scappare dalle fiamme  e cercare riparo su un albero nel disperato tentativo di salvarsi ma Toni, una signora bionda, gli corre incontro, si leva la maglietta per avvolgere il mammifero marsupiale australiano, gravemente ustionato, e lo porta in un luogo sicuro dove bagna con l'acqua dorso e zampe ferite. Visualizza questo post su Instagram 2,500,000 million acres burned so far in Australia. Including large koala bear habitat. WE HAVE TO CHANGE HOW WE LIVE. We are witnessing the 6th Extinction of our planet right before our eyes. All over the world there is massive destruction. WE DID THIS‼️ WE HAVE TO FIX THIS. If it isn't already too late. . ( I wonder why the person filming this didn't help the koala, and watched him walk into the fires... not good) . .if you'd like to help, please copy the link in my bio to your browser and you'll find where you can donate . Each and every one of us can take actions you help. -donate to conservation -donate to sanctuaries and rehabilitation centres. -protest -volunteer -donate blankets, clothing, supplies. -buy products that are sustainable. It's not hard. -avoid products that include palm oil. -REDUCE MEAT intake or go vegan. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation in the world. It's one of the leading causes of carbon emissions. -drive less, get a car that uses less gas -reduce plastic use -buy less -VOTE at every opportunity for green initiatives. REDUCE YOUR IMPRINT ‼️ . @AUSTRALIA has been IN FLAMES ...Koala bears and MANY other native species are being baked alive over 350+ koalas have passed away in the last few days ...is it global warming ...is it forest fires set by farmers for cattle ...I feel like over half of our earth has caught fire in the last 4 months ...whatever it is it needs to stop . . #koala #koalabear #australia #newsouthwales #forestfires #forestfire #saveearth #endangeredspecies #6thextinction #extinctionisforever #climateemergency #hell #suffering #destruction #giveback #donate #volunteer #saveplanet #globalwarming Un post condiviso da Rita Tsantis (@bethecurrent) in data: 21 Nov 2019 alle ore 5:46 PST Strazianti i latrati di dolore del “piccolo orso”, poi trasferito in una struttura protetta. I medici dell'ospedale di Port Macquarie, dove sono stati già soccorsi oltre 30 animali, hanno spiegato che circa il 75% delle aree andate in fumo facevano parte dell'habitat primario dei koala.

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